Economic Impact of Civil Legal Aid Services in Maine

A new study shows services provided by six core legal aid providers to low-income individuals and households in Maine have a positive economic impact on the State.

The providers include the Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic of the University of Maine School of Law, Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project, Legal Services for the Elderly, Maine Equal Justice …

27 February 2017, Posted in: Our Work

Legal Services Corporation Funding At Risk

The Maine Justice Foundation has learned from the National Legal Aid and Defender Association and the American Bar Association that there is a hit list of programs that President Trump might eliminate to trim domestic spending, including the Legal Services Corporation (LSC). Maine’s recipient of LSC funds is Pine Tree Legal Assistance.

In 2016, 24% …

22 February 2017, Posted in: Our Work

Welcome to our new Development Director!

The Maine Justice Foundation is very pleased to announce that Mathew (Matt) Scease of Hallowell, Maine is our new Development Director.

A 1993 magna cum laude graduate of Bowdoin College, Matt has more than 15 years of development experience. For the past 10 years, he served as Associate Director of Philanthropy (formerly Major Gifts Director)

16 February 2017, Posted in: Our Work

Justice for all LGBT Mainers? Not yet…

But with your help, we can make it happen for LGBT people.

Imagine having your house, your health benefits or even your children taken away. You feel helpless. You don’t know what to do or where to turn for help.

Now imagine you are gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender. Your situation just became more difficult …

1 September 2016, Posted in: Featured

Maine Justice Foundation Receives $1.5 Million under Bank of America Settlement

Diana Scully, executive director of the Maine Justice Foundation, announced that the Foundation has received $1,500,410 from the Bank of America mortgage settlement. The Foundation is one of 56 state-based organizations receiving funds under the settlement.

The settlement addresses legal claims arising from mortgage-related activities by Bank of America and its subsidiaries. As mandated, the …

19 August 2016, Posted in: Uncategorized

Instructions for Lawyers Opening New IOLTA Accounts

Please use new MJF Form #2 (dated December 2015), which replaces existing form “Notice to Financial Institution to Establish an IOLTA Account.” This new form includes your authorization for the financial institution to notify the Board of Overseers of the Bar of overdrafts. Please sign and provide the original form to the financial institution and …

3 August 2016, Posted in: Our Work

Join Us and Help Launch Our LGBT Justice Fund!

Finding Legal Services for the LGBT Community Is Getting a Little Easier! 

Please join Congressman and Gay Rights Advocate Barney

Frank and the Maine Justice Foundation (MJF) to launch MJF’s

New LGBT Justice Fund, which will provide funding for

nonprofit organizations that address the civil legal aid needs

of low-income and vulnerable LGBT people.


16 July 2016, Posted in: Press Release

Michael J. Levey and Michael S. Brown Endowment Fund

Maine Justice Foundation is very pleased to announce the establishment of our newest endowment fund: The Michael J. Levey and Michael S. Brown Fund.

Designated for the operational expenses of the Maine Justice Foundation. Many thanks to Mike and his wife for their generous spirit and strong commitment to justice.…

14 June 2016, Posted in: Press Release

Special Opportunity for Giving!

Good News! On December 18, 2015, Congress passed a tax bill that made the IRA Charitable Rollover permanent. This allows people aged 70-1/2 or older to transfer up to $100,000 annually from their IRA accounts directly to a charity, like the Maine Justice Foundation.

The distribution counts as their required minimum distribution without increasing their

13 June 2016, Posted in: Our Work, Press Release