The Coffin Family Law Fellowship provides legal representation in family law matters to clients who have qualified for pro bono assistance through the Volunteer Lawyers Project. Named after Frank M. Coffin, Senior Judge on the First Circuit Court of Appeals, the Project supports attorneys based in the Portland, Maine offices of Pine Tree Legal Assistance. …
Maine Law students gear up for busy summer as Rural Practice Fellows
Here is a great article from Mainebiz: Maine Law students gear up for busy summer as Rural Practice Fellows. A three-year Rural Pilot Program launched last year by Maine Law with funding from the Maine Justice Foundation.

PHOTO / TIM GREENWAY. Ryan Rutledge, left, and Cameron Goodwin, both students at the University of Maine
Access to Justice Day at the Legislature
The Legislature declared April 4, 2018 to be “Access to Justice Day” at the Maine Legislature.
The event included displays and presentations by Maine’s civil legal services providers in the Hall of Flags (and refreshments provided by the Maine Justice Foundation!). Many legislators stopped by to hear about the providers’ efforts to achieve full access …