Maine Civil Legal Services Fund Commission
Notice of Public Meeting
On September 13, 2021, the Maine Civil Legal Services Fund Commission (“Commission”) held a duly noticed public hearing and adopted a Remote and Hybrid Meeting Policy, found at Citing CDC health data reflecting significant increases in both the community transmission rate and spread of COVID-19 virus in Maine, especially the Delta variant of the virus, and significant increase in deaths resulting from COVID-19, the Commission determined that a limited emergency exists pursuant to 1 M.R.S. section 403-B. As such, the Commission found that being physically present for Commission meetings is not practicable until such time as the limited emergency is terminated. The Commission has access to the technology infrastructure to allow remote participation by members and the public, including reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities. The Commission discussed the duration of the limited emergency and agreed to meet to terminate the emergency status of their remote meetings at such time in the future as the emergency has ended. The motion to declare a limited emergency passed with all Commissioners voting in favor.
Therefore, the Maine Civil Legal Services Fund Commission will hold a virtual public meeting beginning 9:00 AM until finished on Tuesday, October 12, 2021, to make final decisions regarding awards for 2022 and 2023.
Members of the public and the Commission are invited to access the meeting at the link below:
Topic: MCLSF Public Meeting
Time: Oct 12, 2021, 08:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 837 1727 0393
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Submitted by:
Angela Farrell, Chair
Maine Civil Legal Services Fund Commission
Closed captioning will be provided. If you have any questions or concerns or would like to request additional accommodation, please do so no later than October 4 by 5:00 pm by emailing