May 3 and 4, 2018
Belated Katahdin Counsel recognition ceremonies were held in various locations in Maine on May 3 and 4, 2018 for pro bono legal services rendered through December 30, 2017. The ceremonies, which are usually held in October, were delayed due to an extension of time for service to allow Maine lawyers to assist legal services providers in Texas and Puerto Rico with the enormous need for legal services occasioned by devastating hurricanes.
The Katahdin Counsel Recognition Program, created by the Maine Supreme Judicial Court, recognizes and thanks Maine lawyers who provide fifty or more hours of service during a single year to Maine’s neediest populations. Further information regarding the program can be found at:
The Katahdin Counsel reporting periods have been restored to the usual July 1 – June 30 periods.
In 2017, the Katahdin Counsel (KC) reported that 85 attorneys and 3 law students contributed 11,631 hours of qualifying pro bono legal services, with a value in excess of $1,720500 to Maine’s neediest populations. The Supreme Judicial Court is mindful of the fact that many more pro bono hours are being offered by Maine attorneys that are not captured in KC reporting. The court encourages all attorneys contributing qualifying pro bono hours to report them so we can document the true extent of the good works of the Maine bar.